(defun ldap-utf-8 (user pass base filter attribute) (let ((ldap (trivial-ldap:new-ldap :user user :pass pass :base base))) (trivial-ldap:bind ldap) (unwind-protect (when (trivial-ldap:search ldap filter) (loop for res = (trivial-ldap:next-search-result ldap) while res do (return-from ldap-utf-8 (octets-to-string (string-to-octets (car (trivial-ldap:attr-value res attribute)) :external-format :8-bit) :external-format :utf8)))) (trivial-ldap:unbind ldap))))The arguments are self explanatory.
Monday, January 26, 2009
UTF-8 strings in trivial-ldap field values
Everybody using LDAP and Common Lisp probably knows the trivial-ldap library. It's a nifty, simple and concise implementation of the LDAP protocol in pure Common Lisp - i.e. no foreign library is needed to access your directory using this package.
Trivial-ldap documentation states that UTF-8 strings are not supported, although the non-ascii string attribute value is properly passed in trivial-ldap:entry slots. Here is how you can easily get UTF-8 string attribute in Allegro CL:
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Blindness - A Movie by Fernando Meirelles

Sunday, January 18, 2009
I/O in Allegro CL multiprocessing code
Recent posting by one Timur Sufiev on slime-devel mailing list about tracing not working in threaded sbcl made me check how it looks for Allegro CL. First I found out what swank does in Allegro backend when you set swank:*globally-redirect-io* in your ~/.swank.lisp. It occurs that it creates a set of bindings in excl:*cl-default-special-bindings* for common stream variables:
- *terminal-io*
- *query-io*
- *debug-io*
- *standard-input*
- *standard-output*
- *trace-output*
- *error-output*
(excl:def-fwrapper default-special-bindings (&rest args) (declare (special user::*provide-initial-bindings*)) (when (and (boundp 'user::*provide-initial-bindings*) user::*provide-initial-bindings*) (let ((name-or-args (car args))) (when (not (listp name-or-args)) (setq name-or-args (list :name name-or-args))) ;listify (unless (getf name-or-args :initial-bindings) ;update arglist (setf (car args) (list* :initial-bindings excl:*cl-default-special-bindings* name-or-args))))) (call-next-fwrapper)) (excl:fwrap 'mp:process-run-function 'dsb 'default-special-bindings)The way you enable this is not complicated as well. Just start the main thread with special variable user::*provide-initial-bindings* bound to non nil value. Like this:
CL-USER> (let ((user::*provide-initial-bindings* t)) (hunchentoot:start-server))Now every I/O you you do the above-mentioned streams should appear in your slime repl window. Function tracing of course will work as well.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
This entry starts my "on-line diary". Blog is so last century and I'm not quite sure what weblog is ;) But - honest to blog, I will try to maintain it fairly often to hopefully increase signal/noise ratio in the Internet and even entertain my gentle readers from time to time.
I'm an IT enthusiast, so - as for stuff which I will enter here - it's going to be mostly net-related. Sometimes cultural, sometimes technical. Anyway - keep your eyes peeled for the blizzard of entries.
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